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Warcry: Red Harvest - a self motivational project blog

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On to the brood...

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9

17th October 2022

Another week passes…. The project is still continuing, but there were a couple of days where I didn’t manage to get any hobby in – however, I am not going to let that bother me too much, as I am still getting more hobby time in (by far) than I was prior to starting this project.

With the Darkoath band completed, it was back to the Tarantulos Brood.

Of the ten warriors and three spider swarms, I only had the boss and the spiders fully built so far – due to still deciding on weapon options.

Two of the models only had a choice between Net/Trident and Flail/Goad, so I decided just to build one of each of these.

The back of this net was surprisingly sharp!The back of this net was surprisingly sharp!

For the Broodkin I preferred the two blade basic version over the two sai version -so built the four that I could as two blade Broodkin.

One of these four sculpts comes with a hand throwing a javelin rather than a second blade. I like the look of if, but for practicality I decided not to use it – since the javelin sticks out 40mm from the base edge, and I could see it being a pain to fit in a carry case, a pain to work around on the tabletop, and a high likelihood of breakage. Instead I decided to use one of the spare Sai hands in its place, for convenience.

The remaining three Broodkin only had the Scythe and Spider claw build option though.

And since the weapon options were ‘arm and weapon’ as opposed to the spare sai that were ‘hand and weapon’ I thought I had to go with the ‘as planned’ build option.

After building these I looked at the rules again, and didn’t really like the way that they worked. Checking the points, and the spare components on the sprue I worked out that I could build an extra spider swarm (although they aren’t very good now either) from some of the small spiders provided. This would mean that I could drop one of the scythe/claw Broodkin from the list, and then have the other two replaced with standard Broodkin.

To facilitate this, and due to the fact that the spare sais didn’t have arms with them (just hands attached) I needed to cut off the scythe arms at the hands for two of them.

I carefully sliced through with a sharp blade, then I cut a notch in the new stump so that the sai hand would marry up to them correctly.

I left them with the claw hand, and kept the Scythes, just in case a rules change makes this weapon choice more useful in the future (If I can be bothered to change them back).

For now, when I come to play, I will ensure my opponent knows what they represent (Currently all the Broodkin with be basic two weapon Broodkin).

With them all built now, it was onto the basing and undercoating.

I again used Agrellan Earth technical paint to make the cracked earth basing, applying a thin coat of PVA glue to ensure the cracked flakes didn’t come off during the drybrushing stage later.

Next it was an undercoat black, and an attempt at zenithal priming with a grey spray from above and approx. 45 degrees, followed by a pure white spray from above only.

I may have to take some of the brightness back, and enhance other places, but that will be once painting is underway – hopefully get into that this coming week.

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