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Napoleon of the West

Napoleon of the West

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Alamo attack force

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8
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All my Mexican infantry lined up for the assault on the Alamo North Wall. I have two infantry regiments made up of three companies each. One grenadier company one cazador regiment one sapper regiment and two artillery units. The alamo itself needs some work as I start on the texans. Trouble is boot hill miniatures has been sold to brigade games so I don't know how available they will be in the UK which might scupper my collection. All my Mexican infantry lined up for the assault on the Alamo North Wall. I have two infantry regiments made up of three companies each. One grenadier company one cazador regiment one sapper regiment and two artillery units. The alamo itself needs some work as I start on the texans. Trouble is boot hill miniatures has been sold to brigade games so I don't know how available they will be in the UK which might scupper my collection.

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Cult of Games Member

That looks really impressive all arrayed and ready to go.

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