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Collins does the defence of Minas Tirith

Collins does the defence of Minas Tirith

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Finished the battlehost box

Tutoring 8
Skill 12
Idea 11
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Finished the battlehost box
Finished the battlehost box

First attempt at a list with what’s painted

  • Gandalf the white sepia – 240pts
    • Shadowfax
  • Peregrin Took – 30pts
    • elven cloak
  • Captain of Minas Tirith – 55pts
    • shield
  • 25 Warriors of Minas Tirith – 230
    • 8 sword & shield
    • 8 spear & shield
    • 8 bow & sword
    • 1 Banner and sword
  • 7 Knights of Minas Tirith – 122
    • 6 shield
    • 1 banner

677 points total


All I’ve got to do now is learn how to play the game, play the game and decide whether it was all worth the effort!


Oh, and expand further on it, the captain and banners (foot and mounted) aren’t part of the battlehost box but picked up from eBay…

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Cult of Games Member

The figures look fantastic @collins congratulations on the gold button.

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