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The Barons War - Free book adventure

The Barons War - Free book adventure

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Galwegian Retinue Completed

Tutoring 7
Skill 12
Idea 10
I wonder whether a 500 pts list in this game should be more elite. I think that the de Percy retinue matches this one fairly, but am conscious that only one side has knights beyond the leaders and this seems important though this is without playing the game yet.I wonder whether a 500 pts list in this game should be more elite. I think that the de Percy retinue matches this one fairly, but am conscious that only one side has knights beyond the leaders and this seems important though this is without playing the game yet.
I am already considering the changes I might make to progress to a 750 pts list without vere playing a game. I realise that this could all have been a folly if I don't like the playing aspect of the game. I enjoyed Test of Honour, I have found an interest for the Barons' War era so I hope there will be a hook in the game that continues to hold my interest.I am already considering the changes I might make to progress to a 750 pts list without vere playing a game. I realise that this could all have been a folly if I don't like the playing aspect of the game. I enjoyed Test of Honour, I have found an interest for the Barons' War era so I hope there will be a hook in the game that continues to hold my interest.
I will probably add small Wargames Atlantic Irish shields to the spearmen here and unit the two spearmen units and add some foot nights to build up this force.I will probably add small Wargames Atlantic Irish shields to the spearmen here and unit the two spearmen units and add some foot nights to build up this force.
I will definately find a way to send the archer galowglas back to his three fellows and make them a veteran unit as I build the retinue in points.I will definately find a way to send the archer galowglas back to his three fellows and make them a veteran unit as I build the retinue in points.

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dugthefug1644PanzerKaput Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Very nice and they look like a formidable force. But no guys with Dane/Great Axes?

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