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Dwarven Ambush - A Kings of War Red Book Army

Dwarven Ambush - A Kings of War Red Book Army

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2023 February 5th Update

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11

January’s painting and playing plans were waylaid by a home improvement project that was more involved than I was expecting and then a horrible chest infection. Woodstock and I had a day put aside for our first games but as I’m still not fighting fit, it’s on hold.

Painting progressed with the two troops of brock riders completed. The only thing that needs finished now is a Stone Priest.

2023 February 5th Update
2023 February 5th Update

For the snow basing I’ve been playing about with the AK Snow Terrain paste and Snow Microballoons. Still not 100% happy with it but it is relatively quick and dirty. The photo below shows one base on the right with just the snow paste on it and the one on the left after a layer of microballoons have been glued down. Definitely looks softer but I could give a drybrush to the bare earth parts to make them looks a little frozen. In fact, I will do that but I’m not going to take photos of it, you’ll just have to use your imagination.

2023 February 5th Update

The only thing left to paint in the original list is a Stone Priest. Once it is done, the temptation is to just go on with other projects however, given how many more models I’ll need to paint to get up to a bigger army, I really should probably prep the next batch of basic warriors.

I can’t claim any props for the list, I found it on the KOW app and happened to have the models already. The original list is here:

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Cult of Games Member

by the looks on their faces they are either very constipated or have the runs and are loosing the battle to the way to the loo…. XD Sorry *g*

Cult of Games Member

2023-02-07 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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