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Hürtgen Forest - Game Video

Hürtgen Forest - Game Video

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Bloody Omaha - My Biggest Panzer Leader Game EVER! (Part 2)

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Join us as we complete Oriskany Jim’s massive 25-hour ubergame of Panzer Leader, recreating ALL of the Omaha Beach landings in Normandy, France on the morning and early afternoon of June 6, 1944.

So far the Americans have taken dizzying casualties, in places even higher than they took historically.  However, a far better success rate with getting DD- and dozer-equipped Sherman tanks on the beach have also helped them crack huge gaps in the German defenses.  Draws off the beach have been opened, and American armor and infantry is (in places) pushing inland.

American fire support is beginning to dry up, however.  The P-47s supporting the landings have exhausted their bombs, rockets, and even machine guns, and naval gunfire takes much longer to call in now that most available German targets can no longer be seen from the sea.

Can the Americans redeem their horrific butcher’s bill and achieve their D-Day objectives here at Omaha?

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