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Spring cleaning Challenge:  Blanchitsu Aeldari

Spring cleaning Challenge: Blanchitsu Aeldari

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The art of removing paint from metal

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I’m sure most people have stripped models back especially if they are doing this challenge. My method though is hardly fool proof and is having mixed results so I’ve written this post on what I’ve done, so if anyone has better ideas and can use them.

These are some of the metal models I have to strip. Most are lead and have had paint sat on them for just under 30 years (jesus I feel old)

The art of removing paint from metal

I got this stuff out of a UK store called Poundland

The art of removing paint from metal

After leaving it in a sealed jar I’ve had mixed results. Some stuff the paint just fell off, others in seems to have stained the plastic and others have patches still stubbornly holding on.

The art of removing paint from metal

This could be down to my old toothbrush been a bit too old. My plan is to pick up a cheap one from sainsburys tomorrow.

I still need to have a go and stripping back the plastic Guardians. I’ve been recommended the paint stripper you can get from Wilkinsons. Has anyone has experience with this product or others that are worth looking at?

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dettol is your friend for stripping, it can be reused and smells piney fresh. it’s also safe on plastics which others aren’t.

leave it for a few hours soaking, or over night if you feel like it.

Toothbrush scrub it off in the dettol.

I then dry it off on paper towels and swap to a new toothbrush in hot soapy water and clean off the residue, don’t mix toothbrushes, dettol and water turn gunky which just means it has to go back into the dettol to remove that gunk.
A bit more effort but the results are crystal

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