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Victorian science fiction

Victorian science fiction

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Five Parsecs from Blighty

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I was planning on using star wars  minis to play this set of solo rules but after rolling up a crew I thought I'd use the minis I've been  working on for my victoriana stargrave. The reinterpretation of some of the tech and aliens for a steampunk world works OK. I rolled up a crew and picked minis that fit. I was planning on using star wars minis to play this set of solo rules but after rolling up a crew I thought I'd use the minis I've been working on for my victoriana stargrave. The reinterpretation of some of the tech and aliens for a steampunk world works OK. I rolled up a crew and picked minis that fit.
The crew of the Ether Scout ship the celeste captained by Henry Crackenthorpe who has had a successful military career before becoming a bounty hunter tracking down fugitives from the crown in the colonies. Quaker sims acts as the ships spiritual guide and after failing to convert Martians to Christianity he joined the crew. Miss case used to work for a Red weed opium dealer before she went on the straight and narrow but her old boss is still on the look out for her. Makkah is a local Martian who has lived under a British controled part of mars. He was from a nomadic tribe that worked as scouts for the army. Perry is a drifter and hunter and fortune hunter who has hit hard times so joined the crew for free travel. Rachel wrench is the young mechanic that keeps the celestes steam engines working. She has a keen interest in Martian technology. Together they embark on their first adventure The crew of the Ether Scout ship the celeste captained by Henry Crackenthorpe who has had a successful military career before becoming a bounty hunter tracking down fugitives from the crown in the colonies. Quaker sims acts as the ships spiritual guide and after failing to convert Martians to Christianity he joined the crew. Miss case used to work for a Red weed opium dealer before she went on the straight and narrow but her old boss is still on the look out for her. Makkah is a local Martian who has lived under a British controled part of mars. He was from a nomadic tribe that worked as scouts for the army. Perry is a drifter and hunter and fortune hunter who has hit hard times so joined the crew for free travel. Rachel wrench is the young mechanic that keeps the celestes steam engines working. She has a keen interest in Martian technology. Together they embark on their first adventure

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