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Elessar2590: 3D Printing The Lord of the Rings

Elessar2590: 3D Printing The Lord of the Rings

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The First Digital Conversion

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I’m going to an event next month and want to take something silly, I also want to use the minis for War of the Ring. The plan is to take an army of Citadel Guard but I didn’t have two of the characters that I needed. Beregond was easy enough, I am using the Medbury proxy Citadel Guard and the character works for Beregond but I still needed an Irolas.

Here's what the Official GW Citadel Guard look like. The main features are the cloaks and yellow trim tunic.Here's what the Official GW Citadel Guard look like. The main features are the cloaks and yellow trim tunic.
The Medbury Sculpts that I am using. It comes with a variety of helmets but I'm giving them all the one in the middle, a basic helmet with some cool feathers on each side.The Medbury Sculpts that I am using. It comes with a variety of helmets but I'm giving them all the one in the middle, a basic helmet with some cool feathers on each side.
Beregond is straightforward, this Captain mini works great.Beregond is straightforward, this Captain mini works great.
Now this is the problem, I need Irolas for the list's theme but I can't fund a mini that works so I had to convert one.Now this is the problem, I need Irolas for the list's theme but I can't fund a mini that works so I had to convert one.
Here is the convsersion I made. THe body is one of the Citadel Guard with the spear removed, the arm holding the helmet is from one of the Archers and the helmet is just a helmet with the face removed. The head is from a Wargames Atlantic Pict. I wanted to keep the pose and stance as close as possible and make the model recognisable at a distance. I think those are all important things when using a mini as a proxy.Here is the convsersion I made. THe body is one of the Citadel Guard with the spear removed, the arm holding the helmet is from one of the Archers and the helmet is just a helmet with the face removed. The head is from a Wargames Atlantic Pict. I wanted to keep the pose and stance as close as possible and make the model recognisable at a distance. I think those are all important things when using a mini as a proxy.
This mini took maybe 20 minutes to paint, not including drying time. Black Undercoat, grey drybrush, paint the metal, paint the face and hair with Skeleton Bone then contrast face and soft tone wash for the hair. This mini took maybe 20 minutes to paint, not including drying time. Black Undercoat, grey drybrush, paint the metal, paint the face and hair with Skeleton Bone then contrast face and soft tone wash for the hair.
I was a bit worried about the helmet but I think it turned out pretty good.I was a bit worried about the helmet but I think it turned out pretty good.
I haven't decided how to base my Gondor stuff yet. Part of me really wants to do a Osgiliath/Minas Tirith ruins base but the other part of me doesn't want that harsh contrast between black mini and white base.I haven't decided how to base my Gondor stuff yet. Part of me really wants to do a Osgiliath/Minas Tirith ruins base but the other part of me doesn't want that harsh contrast between black mini and white base.

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