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Siege of Acre 1191 - TerrainFest 2023

Siege of Acre 1191 - TerrainFest 2023

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Grab what I have

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Grab what I have

Over the last couple of years I’ve gathered up a few bits and bobs to explore scenarios based in the crusades and acre.

Most of my 3D Prints are from – I love their stuff in particular as they dont cut the objects up into an insane number of parts, and its mostly designed to print without supports etc.

When printing for 15mm, I tend to find that printing at 60% of the original size works well.

I also highly reccomend having a poke around thingyverse for othe bits and bobs.

I wanted to explore options for little details to raise the over all look of the table once complete.

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