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Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

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Day 1 - Vyper Assault Vehicle

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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How it startedHow it started

And we’re off.

Day 1 of the challenge and I wanted to go for the Vyper Assault Vehicle. This armoured SUV is very similar to the Rezvani Vengeance which was the inspiration for this paint job so thought it was apt to start with it and see if I could get something similar to the Stealth Grey Satin of the real world vehicle. I decide to mix a little Reaper woodland Green into my AK Anthracite to give a bit more depth and saturation to the colour. This moved it more into a turquoise colour space but I was happy with how it looked, and as the paint thinned out the green colour became more impactful on the blues of the Anthracite.

Adding in some glazes and highlights for the vehicle I wanted to see how it would fit in with my standard bot war rough terrain paintd bases, so set about blocking in the browns. This warming base would have an impact on the cold Anthracite, so I was happy to get stuck into painting a base so early on in this project as it’s usually the last thing I paint.


With the base blocked in inset about adding other details, such as the metals which were a mixture of Darkstar Molten Metals Gun Metal and Silver for the hubcaps, reinforced bumper, and guns. The headlights were painted white, as were the slots on the windows to provide a base for some inks to be applied over; Scale 75 Astral Magenta for the windows and Aquarius Turquoise for the headlights. I also gave the whole vehicle a very watered down shade of P3 Armour wash to add some contrast to the recesses.


The wheels were painted up with Secret Weapon Tyre Black and Rubber Highlight, before having an edge highlight added with P3 underbelly, and then glazed over with Tyre Black again.

Overall I’m happy with the th the result, this was a quick 2 hour paint, and for Day 1 I refined some of the paint scheme and managed to get my first mini completed. One down 43 to go!

How it endedHow it ended
Day 1 - Vyper Assault Vehicle

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