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Dungeonalia - Necrothrall does Drow (and other beasties)

Dungeonalia - Necrothrall does Drow (and other beasties)

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Drow Priestess

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Drow Priestess

I gave the whole miniature a couple of thin coats of stonewall grey (vallejo). It’s a nice light grey that takes contrast well.

The skin got a coat of magos purple, the same as the other drow.

The dress was done with leviadon blue. The spider web design was picked out with mystic white (greenstuff world).

The bowl of blood and severed heads (that must be heavy) was done with balthasar gold and washed with reikland flesh shade. I painted the elf heads up to look like above grounders. The blood was done with flesh tearers red, which I then gave a coat of blood for the blood god to make it look wet.

The belts on the scourge were given a coat of Snakebite Leather.  The metallic parts were also done with balthasar gold, which was again washed with reikland flesh shade.  Then I dropped her and snapped a couple of the weights off the scourge, which disappeared into the ether.

Drow Priestess

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