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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Gangs of Rome part II

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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And here are the rest of the miniatures from the recent Gangs of Rome Kickstarter, plus the Reapers of Minerva, a set from a few years ago that I never got around to painting. These went considerably faster than the first batch since seven of the thirteen are Vigiles (Roman police, more or less) who wear the same outfit, and one was a statue that took all of 15 minutes to do.

Gangs of Rome part II
Gangs of Rome part II
Gangs of Rome part II

And yes, I’m counting the 2-per-base Vigiles as two figures each.

With these done I’m looking forward to getting a game or two in, maybe even this weekend…

2024 models painted so far: 61, for 3 different games

Up next: I’ve got the rest of the Star Trek Away Missions figures primed, as well as the first batch of Mythic Battles Ragnarok (I may post those as a separate project since there are so many of them, we’ll see). I also (perhaps foolishly) bought the miniatures upgrade pack for V-Sabotage (formerly V-Commandos), which adds 110 more figures to my queue. I seem to be on a tear with regards to miniature/board game hybrids…

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