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Spring cleaning like a hobby butterfly

Spring cleaning like a hobby butterfly

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This dude is ready for a game

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This dude is ready for a game
This dude is ready for a game

Turns out mixing colours is more complicated than it looks.

Saying that I’m pleased with how he turned out.

Forgot I was going to have to deal with metal parts so decided to go with a grey blue mix that is then dry brushed up to white. This looked OK until I gave the model a coat of matt varnish so went back in with satin varnish over the chain male and other metal parts.

Skin is also a lot harder to mix from primary colours than I thought, my first attempt the first time around was very very pink so I had to have some help from Rhi to get a more sensible flesh tone.

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horati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Flesh tones are an interesting conundrum but are easier to manage with value scales. I remember getting assigned a project of doing monochrome portraiture in green and then glazing up with red to develop muted browns and then throwing in red and orange for highlights. Honestly it was a great test of how one sees color and perceives hue shifts.

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