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For King and Christmas

For King and Christmas

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Everything Painted So Far Part I

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 3
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Just got a new phone and I'm still playing around with the camera so bear with me

Scots Covenanter Battalia Painted so FarScots Covenanter Battalia Painted so Far
Everything Painted So Far Part I
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Scots Covenanter MusketsScots Covenanter Muskets
Scots Covenanter DragoonsScots Covenanter Dragoons
Scots Covenanter DragoonsScots Covenanter Dragoons
Scots Covenanter DragoonsScots Covenanter Dragoons
Scots Covenanter DragoonsScots Covenanter Dragoons
Scots Covenanter DragoonsScots Covenanter Dragoons

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