Mage’s Age of Sigmar Dark Elves
Recommendations: 69
About the Project
This is my Dark Elf army. I started rebasing it and repainting it in 2017 and finished it to a certain point in early 2018. I have one unit left and intend on adding to it shortly. With the likes of Idoneth Deepkin, Daughters of Khaine and the various other Dark Elf subfactions from Age of Sigmar, this project is winding up again!
Related Game: Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is On Hold
Overdue Update: Black Ark Fleetmaster
This update is coming far later than I had intended, and indeed I lost the initial post I tried to put up a while ago. Without further delay, here is my Black Ark Fleetmaster. Please note that the model is a straightforward assembly with no conversions and painted in my army’s colours.
Pondering Purchases and Additions
Hey guys.
I technically finished this army a while back but there is a bunch of extra stuff I want to add: another assassin, Executinoers, Black Guard, a Kharybdyss/Hydra and maybe another sorceress. Maybe another Dragon?
Would love to hear people’s thoughts or suggestions.
Or I could do something else for AoS or another game…
Frustration and Internet Lag
I was in the process of updating this and the internet at home keeps timing out when I try to update this. I had a second post for my Dark Elves ready to go but I will leave it for today and update this more tomorrow.
All in all I have lost three or four posts so as far as updating this PLOG goes I am giving up for this evening. I had hoped to post more material up but its clearly not meant to be, haha.
Scourge Privateers
This is a metal model out of production for Warhammer Fantasy Battles. I use it as a Fleetmaster for my Age of Sigmar Scourge Privateers. There isn’t any rules for the old Noble / Lordling / Master whatever the hell else he was called in the various editions of WHFB.
Darkling Covens & Shadow Blades
So, the first pics is a comparison shot and the following four are for my third Darkling Covens Sorceress. It is converted from a Finecast (Shudder) Dark Eldar (Drukhari now, shudder) Lhamaen. I think thats what its called…
Following on from this we have the small, small selection of one miniature from the Shadow Blades section. A while after AoS came along and GW purged a lot of their product lines (Brettonians, Tomb Kings, Dwarf Miners, Dark Elf Bolt Throwers, High Elf Warriors, Silverhelms, so on and so forth) what get left behind was spread out into other factions among the Grand Alliences.
So Assassins and Dark Riders (still on the GW site and listed as Shadowblades on the Aos app, but not listed as Shadowblades on the webstore for some reason, hmmmm…..) got split into their own mini factions. They cant really stand on their own two legs from a gaming perspective. You either use them as allies or in a mixed faction Grand Alliance Order army.
The next update will feature my Order Serpentis section of the army. Stay tuned!
Tutoring and Updates
Hey guys,
I shall update this this evening with more pics
I hadn’t intended to add a tutoring element to this project, but would anyone be interested?