Gigantic Dwarf Army
Recommendations: 67
About the Project
Dear all. The goal of this project is to build the dwarf army of Barak Varr. So you can expect dwarves, artillery, dwarves, gyrocopters and many more dwarves. Miniatures come from many different suppliers: Games Workshop, Mantic, Ral Partha, Lancer, Scorpion, Cp, Scibor, Avatar Of War, MOM Miniaturas, Norba Miniatures...
Related Game: Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
Infantry Unit n°3: Ironbrakers from MOM Miniaturas
Here are 20 ironbreakers from the spanish Company MOM Miniaturas. They are easy to paint but the quality on the reverse side of their shields is limited ‘I hears that now it’s better).
total count: 190
Artillery unit n°2: Dwarfpocalypse Gyro
One gyrocopter is good. Three is better. Even better if you can smell gyrofire in the morning when a classic mountain dwarf is surfing!
Total artillery:
1 Gatling gun
3 Gyrocopters
Infantry unit n°2: King's Court (10)
Here is the Colin Dixon King’s Court. It’s the well known limited release that came out after he left GW, I think.
total count: 170
Artillery unit n°1: Gatling Gun
Here is the Gatling Dwarf Gun from the old range “Retour des Dieux”.
Unit n°1: 160 basic infantry
Let’s begin with some basic infantry. As you know GW released in 1991 a small box with 8 dwarves. They were really a pain to paint but I’ve been able to build a battalion of them. Below you’ll see some pictures and a small home made video with some dwarf music.
So here are today 160 of them in four horde sized units (for King of War or BFB).
You will notice that I always use the same basing: MDS / sand / black / fenrisian gray / white / moss