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Lupa15’s Random Warhammer 40K Miniatures

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Project Blog by lupa15 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 43

About the Project

A set of random Gamesworkshop Warhammer 40K miniatures that I own that I am painting for enjoyment of painting. This project documents my journey to paint the various miniatures I own for the faction.

This Project is Active

Sererina Raine Work In Progress

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I have been wanting to tackle this miniature for a while but wanted to do it justice. Since learning some more of the techniques of using contrast paint as washes I felt like I was finally able to do so.

Base Metal

Basecoat the metal bits with Citadel Leadbelcher.

Wash with Citadel Agrax Earthshade. Follow up with another wash of Citadel Agrax Earthshade but only in the recesses.

Use heavily diluted Citadel Troll Slayer Orange to paint rust.

Highlight with Citadel Ironbreaker and then Citadel Stormhost Silver.

Base Gold

Basecoat the gold/brass with Citadel Balthasar Gold.

Wash with Citadel Agrax Earthshade.

Layer back up with a 50/50 mixture of Citadel Balthasar Gold and Citadel Gehennas Gold before highlighting with pure Citadel Gehennas Gold.

Use diluted Citadel Ahriman Blue and then more in the recesses use diluted Citadel Baharoth Blue to mimic oxidation of the brass.

Base Texture

Use Citadel Stirland Battlemire to apply texture to the base.

Overbrush the texture with Citadel Gorthor Brown.  Be extra careful to avoid the already painted areas.

Finally paint the rim with Citadel Rhinox Hide.

Blue Black Leather

Undercoat the whole model with Citadel Corvus Black before washing with pure Citadel Nuln Oil.

Highlight with Citadel Thunderhawk Blue and then use dots of Citadel Fenrisian Grey to complete the effect.

Grey Black Leather

After the all over paint and wash highlight with Citadel Skavenblight Dinge an edge highlight of Citadel Stormvermin Fur.


Basecoat with Citadel Leadbelcher before washing with Citadel Nuln Oil.

On the chest plate and boot plates only use Citadel Contrast Akhelian (sp?) Green focusing on the recesses.

Highlight the edge and dents in the armor with Citadel Stormhost Silver.


Base the gold with Citadel Retributor Armor before washing with Citadel Reikland Fleshshade.

Highlight with Citadel Liberator Gold before edge highlighting with Citadel Stormhost Silver.  Make sure you paint the buttons, belt pieces and chest plate trim.


Base with Citadel Mournfang Brown.

Wash with Citadel Agrax Earthshade before picking out the strands with Citadel Skrag Brown.

Dark Red Cloth

Basecoat the darker red cloth with Citadel Khorne Red.

Wash with Citadel Agrax Earthshade before layering back up with Citadel Khorne Red.

Higlight with Citadel Wazzdakka Red and use an edge highlight of Citadel Tuskgor Fur to pick out the extreme edges.

Finished Eldrad!

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Bellasarius Cawl Completed!

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
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After getting some extra time this past weekend I was able to finish Bellasarius Cawl!  He has a ton of details and it took a lot of patience to paint his upper torso.  The base was completed with Citadel Martian Ironearth and drybrushed with Citadel Kindleflame.

Previous Work on Eldrad and Saint Celestine

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Previous Work on Eldrad and Saint Celestine
Previous Work on Eldrad and Saint Celestine

Working on Bellasarius Cawl and Eldrad Ulthran's Base

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Working on Bellasarius Cawl and Eldrad Ulthran's Base

Generally I have been following the guide video that Gamesworkshop posted on their Youtube channel:

I also recently ordered both Martian Ironcrust and Kindleflame to complete the base.

Working on Bellasarius Cawl and Eldrad Ulthran's Base

I have been working on painting Eldrad Ulthran as well. I just recently completed painting his base.  The guide can be found here:

Inquisitor Greyfax completed!

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Inquisitor Greyfax completed!

I used the Gamesworkshop tutorial as a reference while painting her. It took a few weeks of work to get her just right.