Halo Armies – Project COMPLETE and CLOSED
Recommendations: 66
About the Project
A while ago, on the way to work, I stopped to get gas and in the mini mart were these great little toys for HALO. On a whim I started buying them. They come with great little weapons, often multiple options for weapons and armor, have up to 12 points of articulation, and are (usually) pretty well detailed for "kid's toys."
But when I found myself with several who's color I didn't really like, I started painting them. Others were fine for color, but not detailed. Other still where the "wrong" color, since almost by accident I started building three basic "armies" of HALO figures, especially once I started basing them.
Off and on I started chipping away at this project, "hobby" in the truest sense. I don't even really like or know much about HALO, don't play any games for it, and again, these are hardly "miniatures." But it was a fun, inexpensive, casual, and low-pressure way to "keep the brushes" wet through what has been admittedly a "lean year" in regards to hobby for me.
Anyway, hope you like it.
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Completed
Buying the first HALO toys, the obsession begins ...
So I started buying the miniatures. These were two of the first ones I bought, in a gas station on the way to work one dreary morning. Having them on my desk at the office cheered me up a little … until I started buying more. Then I wanted to start basing them and touching up the colors on the ones I didn’t like so much.
Thus began a little “mini-hobby” that would trickly on in dribs and drabs through the most of 2019. What started off with just a pair of “figures” (i.e., toys), is now an “army” of over 100 in four distinct “factions.”
I guess I should say I’m not really a HALO fan or know much about the IP. I played HALO 1 and 2 back on the original XBox, but that’s it. This was just because I thought the little figures were fun and it was a casual way to relax … almost like a hobby should be.
First "Army" complete
These were some of the hardest guys to salvage from toys into semi-usable “miniatures.” As you can see some of them started from the the clear blue plastic that I guess is supposed to symbolize some kind of “hologram” character. The rest were more or less the odds and ends of the Halo MegaBloks sets I bought, salvaged with spare helmets from other kits, new weapons, etc. I thought of these guys as a militia, perhaps security, rebel, or resistance force. Except for those snipers! The army was more or less built around them.
Red "Army" Complete
Okay, for what it’s worth …
Green "Army" Complete
Some more Halo toys made into rudimentary playing pieces. Some were just touched up and based, others repainted entirely, some were “clear” plastic (very hard to prime and paint), some had new armor / weapons crafted for them.
Mega Bloks toys, approximately 1:32-36 (about two inches tall).
Blue "Army" Complete - and Project Complete
Last batch of Halo troopers. Originally Mega Bloks toys, on homemade bases, some touched up, most repainted completely, some with augmented weapons, switched armor, alternate helmets, etc. Just for fun. Not serious “miniatures” or a project. I don’t even know very much about Halo. These toys were on sale at a local gas station of all things so I just started buying them for the hell of it.