Carnevale – City of romance, grandeur and bloody screaming.
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About the Project
Here lies a record of my Carnevale painting! The game and models are by TTCombat and it is a skirmish game based around fluid movement and leaping from rooftops.
Related Game: Carnevale
Related Company: TTCombat
Related Genre: Pulp
This Project is Active
Building begins
While we all await Rome, let us make do with Venice.
As there is a bit of a local surge in interest and club day approaches, I figure we need a bit more terrain so started building!
First things first, the streets! There is a mix of heights and steps in the Dorsuduro block set so should lend itself to some interesting layouts.
Following up on the ground floor I decided to just go straight up and put together the Torre Del Arsenal, the grand towers of Venice’s dockyard.
I have decided to spray prime in subassemblies to deal with some of the recesses. I also noticed that the tower tops would be difficult to get minis in and out of so I won’t be gluing the roofs on for access.
Next step is some modification. Carnevale includes some advanced terrain rules for ziplines and tightropes running between buildings. This presents a cool but tricky terrain building challenge! How do you make a modular tightrope?
I think the answer probably involves magnets! I’m not entirely sure how, it might involve gargoyles or something that I hook/stick thread or picture wire onto (or just the magnets), but I think there is some mileage in sticking adhesive magnetic strips onto the buildings as anchor points.
I also want to try breaking up the flatness of MDF panels with a bit of texture, that I can also use to conceal the magnetic strip. So, polyfilla!
Upcoming projects
Carnevale hasn’t left my horizon but it has been a long while since I added anything to the collection. I have been meaning to start a Strigoi crew and build my own board, but kept putting it off.
Then I went to UKGE, saw one of TTCombat’s £100 table bundles and cracked. That was made to me order and arrived today!
Behold, a heavy box, heap of packing peanuts and a heck of a lot of laser cut MDF sprues!
While waiting the 4-6 weeks delivery on that lot, TTCombat had a spray paint sale. Obviously I need primers for all of that MDF and had a Carnevale itch to scratch so went through the single figures section of the website and ordered some new Patricians and the core of a Strigoi crew made up of the alt-sculpt minis you don’t see in the retail sets.
At some point I’ll start painting this stuff in between my Kings of War Halfling project.
Adventuring Noble
The first hundred Ducats.
And here it is, my first 100 ducats (points) crew is complete. I’ll need to add a bit more to hit the 125 ducats standard but first I’ll try to get a few starter games in and get a better feel for the game and faction.
Zovena Vela
Zovena Vela, one of Venice’s Gifted. She is a show model/limited edition for 2021 and rather cool! As she was a member of Venetian nobility who has become a pyromancer, I thought she belonged in my crew.
Her skin is done with a Barbarian flesh basecoat, then shaded with a terracotta/barbarian mix. Finally I diluted some dark fleshtone with glaze medium and washed it over her cracked skin to give a dark burned look.
This model was crying out for some OSL with her burning hands so I gave that a go. I think it turned out ok, extreme lighting effects are something I’m working on!
Household Staff
And now we come to the humble yet loyal household staff. When the nobility of Venice take their fancy soirées out on the streets, they take the staff along with them to help out.
Because you never know when you will need a butler. Or frying pan.
A third Barnabotti
I had a stinking cold over the weekend which slowed things down, but the third Barnabotti is done.
The dress is Goblin Green shaded with Cayman Green, then highlighted with a little Ice Yellow.
The underskirt, if that is what you call them, is Ice Yellow highlighted with a bit of white mixed in and a touch of Moon Yellow for shading.
The lace and wig (at least I presume it is a wig!) are Ivory basecoats shaded with Stonewall Grey. I also used a diluted Nuln Oil wash into the recesses of the hair taking some care not to darken it all.
The feathers and fan are Squid Pink, again highlighted with white. I also used a diluted red wash (Carroburg Crimson) for a bit of shading.
The Gold trim is Glorious Gold and Nuln oil.
Venetian Noble
Our third fancy dandy is the leader of my crew, the Venetian Noble. I have carried on with the cloth of gold theme for the lining of his cloak and gone with an opulent Turquoise outfit.
The Hawk Turquoise is the base colour highlighted with mixing in a little Electric Blue. The gold trim (and cape lining) is Glorious Gold and a light Nuln Oil (black) wash to give some definition. The cape is Scarlett Red with some Ivory mixed in for the highlights and shaded with a touch of purple.
His & Hers Barnabotti
My first two Carnevale miniatures are done! I am starting off with a Patricians crew as for me they are definitively Venetian I appearance and their backstory of street-roaming murder parties is simple but so characterful.
I decided to kick off with a pair of Barnabotti, who are minor nobles whose family fortunes have fallen on hard times. They pour their remaining wealth into maintaining appearances so I decided to go all out on making them a gang of outrageously flamboyant murder peacocks and try my hand at bold yellows.
Then I thought, why not make them a couple out on the town with a his & hers costume theme?