Afrika Korps Army
Recommendations: 265
About the Project
This project is just going to be a photo-dump of my finished Afrika Korps army for Bolt Action.
Related Game: Bolt Action
Related Company: Warlord Games
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
Armoured Car
Here’s a Sd.Kfz 222 armoured car that I painted up recently.
Armed with a 20mm cannon, this should be a fun unit.
New additions
A few recent additions to the force in the form of a sniper team and light AT gun team.
The light AT gun managed to knock out a Matilda during its first game!
Long overdue update!
Hi all,
It’s been a while since I’ve updated any of my projects, so here goes!
A few months ago I decided to rebase my Afrika Korps army as a wasn’t happy with the finish.
A soak in some warm water dissolved the previous layer of glue and the old material came right off!
I rebased the miniatures with Geek Gaming Scenics Desert Sand (really nice product) and added some grass tufts for good measure on the larger bases.
Attached are some photos of a few units with their fresh basing.
Despite lack of posts I have been busy with the hobby, so I’ll be sharing some more updates soon.
Scatter Terrain
I decided to whip up some scatter pieces of desert terrain to go with my Afrika Korps.
They’re very basic but would break up a desert table quite nicely!
And now for the final unit of my Afrika Korps army, the Panzer III!
Not 100% sure which variant I’ve built, I think it’s an Ausf J… either way it’s a tank!
The tank commander is magnetised so he can pop in and out.
I will post up a photo of the army in full at some point!
Now for a heavy hitter, the mighty 88! Really love this model, hadn’t done an artillery piece this big before.
I toyed with idea of not putting the gun on a base but decided against it and instead left some of the crew on separate bases.
The decal for the kill tally on the gun shield is an especially nice addition.
This model was a gift from a friend and has made a great addition to my army.
A classic bit of German engineering!
MG34 Team
For the weapons teams on larger bases, such as this MMG team, I decided to add some grass tufts to make the bases slightly more interesting.
By the way the sand I’ve used on the bases is from a beach in Crete! A souvenir from my last holiday.
Light Mortar Team
Another small team here, a two man light mortar team.
Anti-Tank Rifle Team
This is my anti-tank rifle team I made with the plastic kit!
The spotter would make a good forward observer figure too.
Infantry Squads
Here is one of three infantry squads I have for the force. They consist of an NCO with a submachine gun, an MG34 with loader, and 7 rifleman.
HQ Team
Hi all,
In this project I’ll be posting photos of my completed Afrika Korps army for Bolt Action.
Thoroughly enjoyed working through this box and I’m looking forwards to getting some games in with them!
To start, here is the HQ team made from the plastic sprues from the box and a few bits from other kits.