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2023 Vs Ugleb’s painting pile

2023 Vs Ugleb’s painting pile

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Project Blog by ugleb Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 168

About the Project

Back for a second year of tracking my hobby progress Vs the tons of stuff I haven't found time to get to yet.

This Project is Completed

Shall we begin?

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 6
No Comments

For the second year, I will be tracking my purchases, completed minis & terrain while hoping to make inroads in my considerable pile of projects.

First priority for the year is Star Wars Legion.  I am in the process of building my own table worth of terrain and have an entire army of Clones built and primed to get done.

Beyond that I want to upgrade my Kings of War Armada game from the card terrain to something three dimensional, so another terrain project.

I have Hellboy the boardgame expansions to finish off then move onto another big box boardgame.  I would like to get at least one other boardgame done this year but they are big undertakings.  I have a few Kickstarters that will be delivering this year so the backlog is going to jump some more when they do!

Oh and I have a solitary Noble Strigoi unpainted for Carnevale.  I do want to put together a playable gang for that and keep thinking about getting my own terrain together, so that is likely to be some new purchases there!

Minis Complete: 0

Minis Bought: 0

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 0/0/69

Terrain: 0 pieces

#1-6 Star Wars Legion objective markers

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 6
No Comments

First things of the year is these cargo objective markers for Star Wars Legion.

Minis Complete: 6

Minis Bought: 0

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 0/6/63

Terrain: 0 pieces

#1-6 Star Wars Legion objective markers

#7-14 Star Wars Legion Bomb Carts

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
1 Comment

Keeping the Vital Assets going, the bomb carts and ‘Thermal Annihilators’ are done.

Minis Complete: 14

Minis Bought: 0

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 0/14/62

Terrain: 0 pieces

#7-14 Star Wars Legion Bomb Carts

#15-16 Star Wars Legion Hostages

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments

Hostages done, the Vital Assets pack is complete.

Minis Complete: 16

Minis Bought: 0

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 0/16/61

Terrain: 0 pieces

#15-16 Star Wars Legion Hostages

#17-23 Star Wars Legion templates

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 7
No Comments

One template set joins the done pile.  Just need to paint the army that goes with them!

Minis Complete: 23

Minis Bought: 0

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 0/23/54

Terrain: 0 pieces

#17-23 Star Wars Legion templates

The pile grows

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
No Comments

I made it to the end of January then found a bargain Saber tank. And I was a bit short of free shipping so…

Minis Complete: 23

Minis Bought: 9

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/0/8

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 1/23/55

Terrain: 0 pieces

The pile grows

#24-32 Star Wars Legion Terrain blitz

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Two buildings, 3 platforms, a Repulsor Train with 3 carriages = most of a Star Wars Legion table!  All 3d printed from STL’s by Multiverse Gaming.

Minis Complete: 32

Minis Bought: 9

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/0/8

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 1/23/55

Terrain: 9 pieces

#24-32 Star Wars Legion Terrain blitz
#24-32 Star Wars Legion Terrain blitz
#24-32 Star Wars Legion Terrain blitz
#24-32 Star Wars Legion Terrain blitz

#33-40 Train Cargo

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

8 pieces of cargo for my Repulsor Train project, 3d printed STL’s by Multiverse Gaming.

Minis Complete: 40

Minis Bought: 9

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/0/8

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 1/23/55

Terrain: 17 pieces

#33-40 Train Cargo

The pile grows...

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
No Comments

Ok, had to pick up this one and I suspect she will probably go out of stock pretty quickly.  Also I am playing a fair bit of Legion at the moment so she will hit the table sooner rather than later!

Minis Complete: 40

Minis Bought: 10

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/0/8

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 2/23/56

Terrain: 17 pieces

The pile grows...

#41-48 Institute core set

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
No Comments

Taking my Fallout Wasteland Warfare collection back up to fully painted, I have prioritised a recent purchase and added the Institute faction to my collection.

Minis Complete: 48

Minis Bought: 10

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 2/23/56

Terrain: 17 pieces

#41-48 Institute core set

#49 Asajj Ventress

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 3
No Comments

Star Wars Legion Asajj Ventress, the most recent purchase & swiftly painted!

Minis Complete: 49

Minis Bought: 10

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 2/24/55

Terrain: 17 pieces

#49 Asajj Ventress

#50-56 Phase 1 Clones

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
No Comments

A squad of Phase 1 Clones for Star Wars Legion, because I’ll get this army onto the table eventually!

Minis Complete: 56

Minis Bought: 10

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 2/31/48

Terrain: 17 pieces

#50-56 Phase 1 Clones

#57-59 Dreadball MVP's

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 0
No Comments

Buzzcut and the Gemini Twins, not a band but Most Valuable Players for Dreadball. My local club has started up a Dreadball league so it is time to dig out some stuff from deep in the backlog!

Minis Complete: 59

Minis Bought: 10

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Dreadball 0/3/?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 0/0/46

Star Wars Legion: 2/31/48

Terrain: 17 pieces

#57-59 Dreadball MVP's

The pile grows..... Unexpectedly!

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
Wasn't expecting to start a new game today!Wasn't expecting to start a new game today!

So I wasn’t expecting to have two new core sets drop into my life this week, and there may be a third.

The Deadzone 2 player box has been acquired through a “that’s too cheap NOT to buy!” opportunity and I may have a second box coming my way on top of this. I also picked up a couple of character minis from a friend’s crazy box so I have 25 minis plus a heap of terrain to paint up. And another 23 minis if the other set comes through!

The Marvel Crisis Protocol core set was also unexpected. Apparently, some time ago I added it to the Amazon wish list that my wife can see, and today is my birthday. She wasn’t meant to be spending core set money on my present this year so I was very surprised to receive it! I do come across people in the area looking for opponents from time to time though so will be keeping it to use as a hook for getting people into the club. And, I do love painting superheroes!

Minis Complete: 59

Minis Bought: 54

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Deadzone 25/0/25

Deadzone terrain ?? Bags of it!

Dreadball 0/3/?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 0/0/46

Marvel Crisis Protocol 19/0/19

Star Wars Legion: 2/31/48

Terrain: 17 pieces


The pile grows.... expectedly.

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
No Comments

What can I say, the deal was just too good and a second box somehow turned up! Which does mean that I have a full Deadzone board of terrain awaiting me….

Minis Complete: 59

Minis Bought: 78

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Deadzone: 49/0/49

Deadzone terrain ?? Bags of it!

Dreadball 0/3/?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 0/0/46

Marvel Crisis Protocol 19/0/19

Star Wars Legion: 2/31/48

Terrain: 17 pieces

The second box joins the first one!The second box joins the first one!

Minis #60-65 Dreadball Neobots

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
No Comments

Minis #60-65 Dreadball Neobots reinforcements. These were a booster pack left over from the Kickstarter, my clubs new league means that I may need them soon!

Minis Complete: 65

Minis Bought: 78

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Deadzone: 49/0/49

Deadzone terrain ?? Bags of it!

Dreadball 0/9/?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 0/0/46

Marvel Crisis Protocol 19/0/19

Star Wars Legion: 2/31/48

Terrain: 17 pieces

Minis #60-65 Dreadball Neobots

#66-70 Dreadball Yndij

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
No Comments

#66-70 extra Yndij players for the Dreadball league.

Minis Complete: 70

Minis Bought: 78

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Deadzone: 49/0/49

Deadzone terrain ?? Bags of it!

Dreadball 0/14/?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 0/0/46

Marvel Crisis Protocol 19/0/19

Star Wars Legion: 2/31/48

Terrain: 17 pieces

#66-70 Dreadball Yndij

#71 Power Relay Station

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
No Comments

#71 Power Relay Station – 3d print from Multiverse’s Ancient Starport set.

Minis Complete: 71

Minis Bought: 78

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Deadzone: 49/0/49

Deadzone terrain ?? Bags of it!

Dreadball 0/14/?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 0/0/46

Marvel Crisis Protocol 19/0/19

Star Wars Legion: 2/31/48

Terrain: 18 pieces

#71 Power Relay Station

The pile grows....

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1
No Comments
The pile grows....

Small moment of weakness combined with Mantic running a free shipping weekend and I had some expiring loyalty points to use up.

This is the limited edition Nimue figure that somehow reappeared in stock. It was a few quid off and I really want to paint her! As I have been meaning to get back to the Hellboy expansions soon the time felt right. 😉


Minis Complete: 71

Minis Bought: 79

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Deadzone: 49/0/49

Deadzone terrain ?? Bags of it!

Dreadball 0/14/?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 1/0/47

Marvel Crisis Protocol 19/0/19

Star Wars Legion: 2/31/48

Terrain: 18 pieces

#72-80 Platforms & Meeting places

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
No Comments

#72-80 Platforms & Meeting Places for my Star Wars Legion table, completing the currently planned large pieces.

These are 3D prints from Multiverse’s Ancient Starport set.

Minis Complete: 80

Minis Bought: 79

Game breakdown – Bought in 2023/Painted/In the pile;

Carnevale: 0/0/1

Deadzone: 49/0/49

Deadzone terrain ?? Bags of it!

Dreadball 0/14/?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: 8/8/0

Hellboy 1/0/47

Marvel Crisis Protocol 19/0/19

Star Wars Legion: 2/31/48

Terrain: 27 pieces

#72-80 Platforms & Meeting places

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