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Project Blog by Deff Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 57

About the Project

Since I have a few unpainted Moonstone figures I thought it was time to dust them off and paint them. And since there is Terrainfest 2023 happening at the moment I thought this would be a good opportunity to throw in some halloween themed terrain for Moonstone. So my goal is to have enough finished figures and terrain to be able to play on halloween.

This Project is Active

The mysterious Merchant

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Over the last couple of days I was thinking about where I want to go with this. Yesterday I decided that this is the way I want to go. It’s not painted yet but the story is in my head. There is this little mushroom merchant who travels the region with his female ogre companion. The ogres job seems to be pull the caravan. Where the merchant gets his stock is a bit of a mystery. The fact that he and his ogre companion always seem to stay close to graveyards, her giant shovel, and the skulls on her shoulder are all just a funny coincidence, I’m sure.

The Pumpkin Patch