MDF in fancy dress
Recommendations: 17
About the Project
Simple steps to add something to MDF terrain
Related Genre: Fantasy
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2023
This Project is Completed
Pretty upping it
So I have a MDF building and I want to make it look a little more inline with my hand built terrain. By adding some simple details and textures I can add a lot without much effort.
After building the kit and gluing it together I added extra texture by:
- scratching wood grain onto the beams with a metal sculpting tool
- added poly filler to the plaster wall panels and then dabbing it with the brush to add a textured finish
- glued some random stone shapes cut from plasticard to the stone elements
- Added cardboard rows of shingles to the roof panels
Adding lipstick to the pig
Thrown on the base coats and then added some highlights using either stippling or dry brushing. All that’s left is a wash and some final details…
Washes and details
Through some black/brown washes on whatever you want darker (in my case the stone section and around the edges of the plaster panels) and give it an all over drybrush with beige and it’s good to go.
I also took a few mins to pick out some details like windows and trim, giving them a quick coat and some weathering.