Deathship One
Recommendations: 167
About the Project
Black Scorpion Miniatures Highlanders were purchased as a love thing. Wanted them wanted to paint them and eventually field them somehow. Then Joseph came to the rescue. DeathShip One is a fun looking game. Fight with any era's miniatures to take on 5 rooms of death to say that you beat the ship and a promise of gaining their freedom. The project gave me the excuse wanted to buy a Wargames Atlantic Harvesters box to create bad guys for the game.
Related Game: Deathship One
Related Company: Black Scorpion Miniatures
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Harvester progress
I wanted to add some red to the barbs on the limbs. It was then that I realised some of the builds are totally wrong / inconsistent, but they’re mutations from a Death Ship, so I imagine that they are hyper evolving and that’s why they’re different. (That’s my excuse and I am sticking to it.)
Golden Button (The Butt But Ding of it all.)
Got another mention for my painting / hobbying.??
They didn’t mention the badger on the mystic / Seer’s base, which was an uncharacteristic miss on Ben’s part. Lol.
Thanks. Every mention like that is greatly appreciated.
Community Spotlight: Wild West Aliens, Deathship One & Shire Halls!
Rieger - Tooth and claw
Primed Black (Just brushed on as I experiment with the scheme.)
Drybrush of Rakarth Flesh to pick out edges and details.
Good coat of Drakenhof Nightshade everywhere.
Macragge Blue dry brush.
Nihilakh Oxide and Macragge Blue mix as a higher highlight.
White Teeth and Blood for the Blood God painted over the superglue gore and along a brush bristle hanging from the claws.