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3 Colours Up – How To Paint A NMM Copper Stormcast Eternal


We get stuck into another tutorial with the help of Romain where he shows off another of the Non-Metallic Metal techniques. This time he's using a Copper effect to paint his Stormcast Eternal Liberator.

Miniatures ER: Wolsung – Fixing Harriet Kinsley Part 5!


It's time to finish up this repair job from Romain of Harriet Kinsley from the Micro Art Studio game, Wolsung SSG. Has she made a full recovery?

Basecrafts – Desert Basing Set


Romain takes a look at the Desert Basing Set from Basecrafts.

Basecrafts: Woodland Basing Set


Romain takes a look at the next in the series of Basecrafts basing sets... the Woodland Set.

Basecrafts: Autumn Basing Set


Romain takes a look at the content of the Basecrafts Autumn Basing Set and creates an Autumnal base to show it off.

Humbrol Tool Kit Unboxed


Romain sets aside his paint brush to take a look at the Humbrol Tool Kit.

3 Colours Up Review – Prince August Brushes


Today on his 3 Colours Up Review, Romain give you his opinion on Prince August brushes.

3-Colours Review – Warpaints


Romain casts his professional eye over Warpaints from The Army Painter.

3 Colours Up Review – Formula P3 Paints


Romain gives us his professional opinion on Formula P3 Paints .

3 Colours Review – The Mantic Paint Set


With Warpath Weekend upon us, Romain gives us a look at the Mantic Paint Set.

3 Colours Up Review – Andrea Color Paints


Romain gives us his professional opinion on Andrea Color Paints.

3 Colours Up Review – Vallejo/Prince August Paints


Romain gives us his professional opinion on Vallejo/Prince August Paints.

3 Colours Up Review – Tamiya Paints


Romain gives us his professional opinion on Tamiya Paints

3 Colours Up Review – Citadel Paints

13 years ago 88

Here's Romain's first paint review for 3 Colours Up. This time he gives you his professional opinion on probably the most readily available brand of miniature paints... Citadel Paints.

3 Colours Up Review – Citadel Brushes

13 years ago 48

Here's the first of Romain's new series of articles that review the popular (and not so popular) brushes and paints that we might come across in the hobby. Up first, to receive his critical eye, is the range of brushes. We've all had them... we've probably all used them... but what does the master think of them?

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