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World Of Darkness Berlin Live Blog

World Of Darkness Berlin Live Blog

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If you're into all things World Of Darkness then you'll be pleased to know that Chris Handley, a regular contributor to the website and Darker Days Radio are at World Of Darkness Berlin this weekend covering the event.

World of Darkness Berlin Cover

Darker Days Radio

They will be Live Blogging throughout the event covering the weird and the wonderful from this role-playing game and its fans.

What's On?

If you're going to be following along you can check out some helpful links below which will give you an insight into the event.

You'll be able to stop in with Chris and follow along across the event and experience a side of role-playing you might not have considered before!

Check back throughout the Live Blog!

Blogging At This Event:

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Twas the night before WoD Berlin… and the game has already begun

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At this moment Mike is flying across the pond to Berlin, with 8 hours until I begin my journey, but the games have already begun.

Enlightenment in Blood, a pervasive Nordic LARP takes place over multiple venues in Berlin on Friday night, but even now the players are in character interacting via our own social network for the game.

Called “Undernet”, this social network site will be a hive of activity on Friday, but already players are posting in character information, be it status updates, photos, or already talking about the initial events on Friday.

Seems I won’t be bored at the airport tomorrow!

Twas the night before WoD Berlin… and the game has already begun
doctorether Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Vampire the Eternal Struggle and World of Darkness Documentary

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As I sit downing a coffee before heading off to travel to Berlin, I though I would just give you a brief overview of the day's schedule.

Today Mike will be sitting down to check out the new cards created for Vampire the Eternal Struggle, while later this evening we will be watching "World of Darkness: The Documentary", and attending the after party with "Elysium" dress code.

Vampire the Eternal Struggle and World of Darkness Documentary
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World of Darkness the Documentary Official Trailer


"They stalk in the shadows, moving gracefully and unseen among their prey. They are the blood-drinking fiends of whispered legends – Kindred, Cainites, the Damned."

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Checked into the Convention and first off…Freebies

Checked into the Convention and first off…FreebiesNo Comments

White Wolf Publishing and Convention Attendees Get Ready for the Documentary at a Silent Theatre

White Wolf Publishing and Convention Attendees Get Ready for the Documentary at a Silent TheatreNo Comments
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World of Darkness the Documentary tells the tale of Vampire the Masquerade

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An interesting documentary that tracked the history of White Wolf and Vampire the Masquerade. Certainly investing questions raised we will follow up tomorrow.

The documentary has distribution and will be shown at numerous horror cons over the next months.

World of Darkness the Documentary tells the tale of Vampire the Masquerade

The Silent Theatre and Elysium After Party Venue

The Silent Theatre and Elysium After Party VenueNo Comments

""You Are the Vampire" - Mark Rein*Hagen on how Vampire made you the monster of the game, not the hero. "

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Vampire the Eternal Struggle Freebie Cards


So as a nice perk of being here at WoD Berlin, I got a deck of VTES cards. Now I have been told that a good number of these cards were never in high distribution back in the day, so for the fans, having these cards available like this is a real boon.

Vampire the Eternal Struggle Freebie Cards

"Day 2 Begins - VTES Tournament, Seminars, and Enlightenment in Blood LARP"

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World of Darkness Berlin Video Diary 1

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Ritualising Bleed, V5 Q&A, World of Slavic Folklore, and the Russian WoD Community

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There are plenty of seminars today. The big one will be the Vampire the Masquerade 5th ed Q&A which I am sure will generate some lively discussion, both regard to the setting and game mechanics.

We will also be attending the seminars covering Bleed, and Slavic Folklore. The European nature of this fan convention means fans from a diverse section of the world can come and talk about their games. The Slavic Folklore seminar will cover how such myths and legends fit into their games.

Bleed in larp is where your in game experience flows into your real world experiences, and how you can learn from them.

We will also be interviewing Natali Manzurenko about the Russian speaking WoD community, and how Russian and the USSR are presented in the World of Darkness games.

Ritualising Bleed, V5 Q&A, World of Slavic Folklore, and the Russian WoD Community

Kenneth Hite Announced as Vampire 5th Edition Lead Designer

Kenneth Hite Announced as Vampire 5th Edition Lead DesignerNo Comments
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Vampire 5th Edition Q&A - The Lowdown

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Vampire 5th edition is in pre-alpha, and exclusively tomorrow are playtests that the WoD Berlin attendees can take part in.

What we know, the game system will be familiar, withs dots and d10s, but with interesting new mechanics that reinforce the nature of feeding, blood, and the the hunger of a vampire.

Kenneth Hite is Lead Designer, with Mary Lee as lead art director, and Karim Muammar as chief editor and also game system designer.

The new Vampire game will initially see a small, concise introdutory game book, with more lavish setting books released after.

Beckett's Jyhad Diary for V20 is also the jumping off point for the new edition of Vampire the Masquerade.

Vampire 5th Edition Q&A - The Lowdown

"The Beast I am, lest the Beast I Become."

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"Minds Eye Theatre - Changeling the Dreaming Announced"

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The White Wolf Keynote has some big annoucements


Numerous things have been announced. A new community website for the World of Darkness will allow fans of the games to interact, no matter if they play larps, tabletop, computer, or card games.

Also announced is the Storyteller Vault, allowing fans to create and publish their own material, and earn money doing so.

A new larp event was also announced, Tampa By Night, taking place in Florida.

The next year is going to be very interesting and there is still more we need to tell you about.

The White Wolf Keynote has some big annoucements

"Gaia Dies in a Fever!"

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White Wolf Keynote Gallery

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Just a hint of the keynote talk.

White Wolf Keynote Gallery
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White Wolf Keynote Audio

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""I Was a Live Action Roleplay Virgin" - Chris Handley"

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"Tonight the Streets Ran Red with the Blood of Kindred"

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Mike Gets into Character for Enlightenment in Blood

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Day 3 - Live Streaming and More

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So today we have a less busy schedule, which good as I am running on 4 hours sleep after a 5 hour immersive larp experience where Mike and I did not die, and achieved our character objectives!

At 15:30 we will be running the live podcast stream.

At 17:30 we will be giving our talk on using Chronicles of Darkness to remix your World of Darkness games.

Today we also have keynotes given Mark Rein*Hagan and Justin Achilli.

Plus we will be interviewing Martin Ericsson and Tobia Sjogren of White Wolf Publishing.

""We got murdered by Redcap Changelings!" - a very dead Pentex employee in Enlightenment in Blood "

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Mark Rein*Hagan - Creator of World of Darkness Says Hi!

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Darker Day Radio #78 raw and live from World of Darkness Berlin


""I suggest we back away Agent Hurst" - Mike in character warns Chris as they watch two supernatural people shatter each other's bones in a slug fest. "

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Luna gives her blessing to the World of Darkness Berlin After Party

Luna gives her blessing to the World of Darkness Berlin After Party1 Comment

Inside the Arena Club After Party

Inside the Arena Club After Party1 Comment

Inside the Arena Club After Party

Inside the Arena Club After Party1 Comment

"Not even god would be up at this time after last night's party."

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Day 4 of WoD Berlin aka..... why am I not in Torpor?


First off, sorry for the live stream. Technical issues, but please please please listen to the podcast we did still record.

Moving on, at the after party last night we had joint winners announced for the VTES tournament, the dance off to be the best dancing Clan, and the winners announced for the scenario writing competition.

I had a great time last night, chatting to the White Wolf/Onyx Path/Ny Night Studio family, with topics ranging from gaming for education, alchemy, science, and coffee mugs.

Would I come again. Oh yessss!

There is still more VTES going on today, and hopefully a few chances to get some more interviews recorded.

Put a stake in me - I am done!

Day 4 of WoD Berlin aka..... why am I not in Torpor?
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Vampire: The Eternal Struggle in Berlin

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Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) storyline tournaments and the European Championship taking place at World of Darkness Berlin.

VTES is a collectible card game first published in 1994 and World of Darkness Berlin features the first new cards printed in nearly seven years.

Players take the role of Methuselahs, ancient vampires trying to influence minions, destroy their enemies' resources, and partake in bloody combat as they fight for resources and their own security in the final nights.

The European Championship attracts the best players from across Europe as well as international contenders, battling in 5-way multiplayer games to find the best in the game.

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle in Berlin
doctorether Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

More VTES going on right now!

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More VTES going on right now!

"Flying back to head office for a debriefing with CONTROL. Mission success. Reality Deviants of Berlin tagged. END OF LINE" - Agents Hurst and Smith (Chris and Mike) bid farewell to WoD Berlin

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"Do Something, or do nothing!" - Dave Void of Clan Gangrel roared during Enlightenment in Blood

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Two Werewolf players shattered having partied all night long. Sleep tight and good bye World of Darkness Berlin.

Two Werewolf players shattered having partied all night long. Sleep tight and good bye World of Darkness Berlin. 1 Comment

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I used to play Vampire Masquerade back in the day, and fallen out of touch with all things White Wolf, so looking forward to this one.

Cult of Games Member

I really hope they actually reveal some info on the new game and the storyline changes instead if hust the larp stuff


looking forward to your coverage – have a great time 🙂


Sorry for any spelling mistakes…. really hot and tired here. 🙁

But lots of exciting news.

Cult of Games Member

This was my fav role play game its nice to see it updated with gig bang,

Cult of Games Member

Had a big game running in Cincinnati OH, at an alternative club I bounced at for years, back in the 90’s. The New Orleans supplement has pics of a bunch of my friends in it and on the cover from when the company came up and shot at the club. I almost always had a ton of note cards of dialogue in my pockets to help them with the game. I am glad that this game is still going pretty strong.


Thanks for doing such a great job covering this.


atmospheric and immersive. taking it to the next level makes all the difference.
are you fellas going to give us an after hours uncensored reel at the end with a big old adult content sticker slapped on it?


Will there be a way to watch the documentary online or via dvd/bluray? I love the setting for the WoD and its extensions, however I’ve never had a chance to play the rpg itself.


They are sorting out distribution currently. Mike and I have opinions on the documentary. But then it is narrative that the director and production team, Lucky Day, laid out, rather than the nuanced truth that WW and associated companies are part of. So in places a pinch of salt is required.


Maybe a silly question to ask but would my “Jyhad” cards still be considered legal for VTES tournaments? Would have to brush up on the gameplay regardless of this, but still…


yes, jyhad is tournament legal (there are a few banned cards from across the various sets – but most everything in jyhad is fine).

the only thing you would have to consider is that if you were to add in cards from later expansion and print runs that the cardbacks would be different. so all your cards would need to be put into sleeves so nobody could tell what set they came from just by looking at the logo on the card.


Thanks for the reply and after a little searching, yeah I would loose a card that I did enjoy playing, where conversation had to be kept to rhyme. So silly but understandable for the removal. Otherwise, I think my old deck is pretty safe.

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