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Reply To: Kickstarter fatique……

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Kickstarter fatique…… Reply To: Kickstarter fatique……


Cult of Games Member

Right at the moment there are 9 (maybe 10) articles related to kickstarters in the side bar. That’s roughly one third of the articles. Is that too many? I don’t know but it seems about right as has been said kickstarter is playing a big role in the business now a days. Some of them are showing off models that are being finished, some are about kickstarters presently running, and a few are about future kickstarters in some fashion.

I think if you have backed kickstarters and/or have followed some then it is a natural consequence that you will feel fatigued by kickstarter. I know I do. I’ve back quite a few and I’m still backing some. But what has changed for me is that in the past I would follow the kickstarter I’m backing with all the updates and read the comments section. Now I can’t be bothered. I back it and then I basically walk away now. I can’t help but follow it as they will send out updates but I don’t read the comment section anymore. I also find myself clicking on the “notify me 48 hours before the end” more often.

So I think BoW has the coverage of kickstarter oriented news about right. I think they will miss news sometimes regardless of it being kickstarter related or not. It happens. I will agree that I didn’t know about the last frost grave release until their knickstarter was already over. I suspect that I just missed the news article about it though.

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