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Reply To: Kickstarter fatique……

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Kickstarter fatique…… Reply To: Kickstarter fatique……


Cult of Games Member

Due to the nature of the BoW website, nearly everything is “front page news”;  all announcements end up in the side bar and gradually fall off the bottom as newer stories appears.


Additionally, we might ask ourselves what is the point of BoW telling us news at all?  If the intention is to try and make us aware of newnand exciting products that we might be interested in and ultimately wish to purchase then informing us about Kickstarters before they start or as they’re running is pretty vital.  Telling me about a Kickstarter 6 months after the funding period concluded is more than a little useless – at that point it’s definitely not news, it’s history.

I don’t really see why it’s such an issue putting stories up about Kickstarter.  They’re news in the same way that new releases constitute news.


A function of BoW is to help promote products and future releases to help generate interest and eventually sales.   For new release that means telling us about them before they’re released.  For Kickstarters it means telling us about the Kickstarter well before it happens.

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