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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 20/07/18 Is this the real life

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 20/07/18 Is this the real life Reply To: Hobby Weekender 20/07/18 Is this the real life



@dawwfydd (20 points)


I did indeed have a productive weekend. On Wednesday or Thursday evening I will try total up the points. Its kinda quiet today, but I haven’t been on hosting much, either.


Im enjoying Pokemon Go quite a lot.


£20 in three years aint bad. Id like some Combiners. Maybe Combaticons. The Voyager class ones are tempting.


I saw the Aquaman one (looks promising) and the Shazam one (looks like the 1/5 movies they do right, like Wonder Woman).


Alita and Godzilla I must watch. Now is a good time.


20 points.

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