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Reply To: Inaccessibility of Historical Wargaming

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Maybe it is the way they prefer it… Certainly is for some I know, but I’ve seen that attitude in all genres of gaming to be honest. I know plenty of overbearing Historical gamers who I would never want to play a game with… and the same goes for 40K gamers too. Its not the genre… its the person that’s the key issue there.

But its their prerogative to be ‘elitist’. Cant have it both ways… Cant be inclusive to the man who wants to play with his pink Waffen SS against his mates turquoise Japanese Marines and then rail against those who only want to play ‘historically’.

It works both ways. They are both valid if it makes them happy and they have fun.

I understand what you mean that such behaviour may put people off… but lets be honest, perhaps the more unhistorical nature of games also puts people off. Again it goes both ways. There are several popular WW2 based games that I would never try due to the games ethos. It just doesn’t work for me.

The point is… that should be fine. People should be allowed to game how they want without labels being applied.

If their game is un-fun to everyone else… Who cares? Its their game… and I presume fun for them, which is what counts. I don’t play games for them to be perceived as fun for others. I make them to be fun for me and those I play with…

If those people put you off historicals, then look for others that play it in a way that is more appealing to you.

Im happy to fall into this oddly termed ‘elitist’ group I guess. Its my hobby, I game with a group that feels the same and we are unlikely to get any new members anytime soon… If we did, we would soon have them brainwashed to count rivets anyway. Its the way we want to do things. My other hobby is military history, so that impacts on how I play games. Yes… I do have five different German armies for WW2 so they look right if they are fighting in Normandy, Ardennes, Africa, Greece etc etc… My terrain is themed to locations too… my Holland tables have buildings made on actual structures in the region. For me its all about recreating history in a visual manner combined with a game that we enjoy playing. I get to tick off my two inner-nerds at the same time… Gamer Geek meets Historical Book Worm.

But… again, you don’t have to play games that appeal to other people. You can only play in the manner that appeals to you…

Trying to ‘hobby’ in a way that doesn’t suit you personally is a folly.



@elessar2590 couldn’t agree more.

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