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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 27/07 – I live by the river

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 27/07 – I live by the river Reply To: Hobby Weekender 27/07 – I live by the river



@biggabum <15 points >


I like the odd break, as well as participating, but I don’t do this for gain. Its fun, when I am available.


No wonder Matty was concerned with those game mechanics. Sounds like a super interesting game, 10 pointss for the little write up.


5 points for feedback for others.


Best of luck with the penance.



@limburger Missed the Blood Moon myself. Too cloudy here. I did go on a late night poke hunt with my cousin. We found a cubone nest and caught a bunch.



@tuffyears (20 points)


Well played with the pun. 20 points. Post up your progress and characters J



@torros <5 points>


That is super interesting. 5 points. Cant wait to see pics

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