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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 10/08/18

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The Albionnican Empire troopers heard a rumbling from their camp. Captain Hawthorne was the first to see the Bayourks of the Cayjon Swamp lands at dawn, on his morning constitutional. Their attempt at an early morning drunken raid almost caught the stalwart soldiers off guard. Almost…

In quick order the Albionnicans were in formation, ready for a scrap!

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Vigilant, the soliders of the Empire were savvy to the Bayourky treachery and had an eye out on the right flank.

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The Bayourk Chieftain hurled his Boglin underlings across the battlefield in a vain attempt to slow down the Albionnican counter attack, as well as disrupting their firing lines. However, these somewhat valuable support models did not belong in a combat.

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In short order the Albionnican Halberdiers shredded them to greenskin mince.

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After the initial manoeuvres, the Bayourks themselves crashed into the slightly broken formation of humans. The momentum crushed a Halberdier, a man due to get married when he got home. His best man fled behind a wall. It was now McCoy’s duty to inform Benson’s widow of what had transpired. If he survived, that is…

With the crossbowman and Captain wounded, things had to change…

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The Boglins decided to storm the hill. The first one that made it up, swiping with exhausted fury, only to take significant damage from a crossbowman as he smashed the diminutive creature’s skull in with a the butt of his namesake weapon. Another strike slew the impish monster. His countryman did likewise, and the right flank was once more secure.

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A series of orders and fine swordsmanship from Captain Hawthorne made light work of the Bayourk Brute who had initially crashed into the Albionnican lines. Thie Chieftain, sobering up at his losses, badly failed a courage test and ran. Failing to rally for the game.

<I posted a rules query on the official Arcworlde facebook page. I asked if Generals take Cowardice checks, to which one of the actual games designers said ‘Yes, but it is very rare that they fail.’ Below is my response to him, which is highly tongue in cheek to say the least.>

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Captain Hawthorne boomed out a challenge to an epic duel to the last Bayourk. They accepted, realising their fate, but also disgusted by their Chieftain’s cowardice. He would win glory for his tribe, and should he survive, usurp leadership.

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Fortunately for the Empire, Captain Hawthorne prevailed. With contempt for the hulking leader’s flight, he deemed his nemesis unworthy of honour or gentlamnanly warfare. With a heavy breath sustained from severe injuries fighting the Chieftain’s subourdinate, he gave out the order to fire.

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The Chieftain died, pincushioned in the back by a rain of crossbow bolts. When the dust settled, two soldiers of Albionnica had passed on, while not a single greenskin drew breath.

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