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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 17/08/18

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 17/08/18 Reply To: Hobby Weekender 17/08/18



@evilstu become one of us, join us! @mage great write up and instructions. Don’t forget Moonclan Grots!

I realise I left The Walking Dead off my list of games. ADHD stops me staying still with one game or even army. I avoid playing Batman as I wouldn’t actually get to play it. I have Walking Dead in that spot I guess. I treat that game as got catch them all and I know I would be the same with Batman. Of course if someone else provided minis I would still end wanting to buy it all afterwards.

Depending on the weather, not looking too clever, the missus is taking the dog out for a few hours meaning it’s painting o’Clock! Progress pictures to come.

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