Home › Forums › Painting in Tabletop Gaming › Hobby Weekender 24/08/2018 › Reply To: Hobby Weekender 24/08/2018
Ok, going to list my plans for the weekend, mainly so I am accountable and get stuff done. Priorities are as follows:
– Stop getting distracted by other things and get my terrain challenge project finished this weekend.
– Almost immediately get distracted by historicals (keep painting the next batch of French, matt varnish all the minis that have had an Army Painter varnish, start baseing if I have time).
– While I am varnishing, varnish the Sharp Practice counters and some Bretonnian archers I have kicking about.
– Finish my trap markers (this is a fancy way of saying – put stickers on primed poker chips…)
– Paint base edges on the orcs
– Work on my foot knights
– Progress Skaven
– Paint terrain
If I get through all that then I have just received a box of Warlord Landsknechts with Zweihanders which I will do up to pull double duty as either historicals or Empire Greatswords. I also have a box of Landsknechts Pikemen (again, Warlord) set aside which have a command sprue so combining the two will give me a reasonable degree of flexibility for heavy foot options on the tabletop. Will need to get some other stuff cleared before any of that can get started though…