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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 14/09/18 – … but sometimes it is a little early!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 14/09/18 – … but sometimes it is a little early! Reply To: Hobby Weekender 14/09/18 – … but sometimes it is a little early!


Cult of Games Member

@mage true enough with regard to Armageddon being an ongoing campaign and eventually having scope to include Primaris, but if I leave it that long then I’m going to need to house rule a Daemon kill team list 😉 And I’m saving all my demonic forces (wow, that sounds wrong… I mean that I’m holding off on painting my stockpiled miniatures, NOT invoking Cthulhu or anything…) for when Slaanesh comes back to the tabletop. Speaking of which, the new Beastmen tome could get me dragged into AoS – I still have a bunch of 6th ed Beastmenn models ready to go… Re Orktober I’m thinking an early thread might work to put it on the radar before the start of the month and to give people a chance to start putting up prep work etc and ht the ground running but happy to hear alternate points of view. Hop you are feeling better soon 🙂

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