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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 21/09/2018 – Sometimes even earlier…

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 21/09/2018 – Sometimes even earlier… Reply To: Hobby Weekender 21/09/2018 – Sometimes even earlier…


Cult of Games Member

what sort of a 6×4 were you considering? What type of terrain? were you looking at interlocking modular sections or a one piece carved board type or something else? What game or games are you hoping to have it work with?

@evilstu I’d love some 6×4 with maybe 2 or 3 different terrains on the board. Transition from city to “nature” and maybe dessert. Though three might be a bit much. going along with that trees, rocks and roads. Maybe someday.

I did take some pictures at my game of Legion yesterday… no I just need to get awake to write something of a battle report… it’s 9:09am and I’m struggling to get even one straight line of words out. Auto-correct to the rescue… more coffee needed…

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