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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 28/09/18 Pretty much on time

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Hey ho, I’ve got a beer, it’s my Saturday night( though it’s Sunday here). Tomorrow is a public holiday, but I don’t work Monday anyway! It’s time to get involved!

@mage was the Universal Monster series the one that was supposed to have started with Skull Island?

Yeah sorry about my chaotic reply (or am I? ? lol)

I am almost completely reliant on my iPhone right now, and it seems that I messed up the formatting in creating my answers which lost the number points. D’oh!

I found Firelfly entertaining enough, but damn it was formulaic. The characters have been done before, the “twists” that never had a chance to come out were fairly clearly signposted. It was good, I enjoyed it, but not great. I haven’t gone out of my way to find the movie… maybe “you had to be there” when it was new to get it?

A movie based on a game either has to explain the world really well, or be simple enough that anyone can follow along, I reckon. It’s why Rampage worked as an idea. Our society has enough myths/ stories of giant killer monsters. They only have to explain how/ why these beasts exist, and then unleash them for our entertainment. The movie makers stuck to that formula. It’s not going to win Oscars or blow anyone’s mind, but as long as they pay the cash…

Speaking of which, I got to see it for the price of a train trip: I only had to travel to a Dell product night which they hosted at a cinema. Free movie as a bonus, win! ?

Yeah, I forgot about Doc Oc. They portrayed him pretty well.

How have you found the Storm Kings Thunder campaign? Steve started us off on that campaign, then wanted to do the Tomb of Annihilation… so he sorted of threaded them together and sent us of along the other campaign. As a result we never explored the SKT story.

Your mech is looking great so far, but I know sod all about assembling mecha or German WW2 armour, so that’s about all I can contribute!

Gorgeous dogs there mate!

@a27cromwell if you don’t mind, I’ll snatch those parts? Seeing them fired off conversion ideas I could use them for, for Orky vehicle conversions.

@biggabum I’ll agree with about RomComs. Especially the “Bumbling idiot gormlessly stumbles around yet wins fantastic woman’s heart variety”

I’ll disagree on only one single case: the Zombie Romantic Comedy that is Shaun of the Dead.

@evilstu yeah, I’ve had that happen often. Part of the reason I’m relying on my mobile rather than my laptop. I do up my responses on a notepad app, then paste it into the comments.

Lootaz are da bestest! Dayz always got da mostest dakka! Good size mob there ?

For my own hobby progress: not much yet. I did purchase a copy of Goblin Quest though!

I didn’t realise it was an RPG, but it looks like it’ll be heaps of fun!

I’ve read through and it seems like it’ll be a good laugh. I’m planning on using it to see if my daughter would get into RPG’ing. Plus my regular RPG group would get a kick out of it no doubt.

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