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Reply To: 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey! Reply To: 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey!


Cult of Games Member

1. What board, card or tabletop game would you like to see be made again in print?

For me it’s the original Heroquest. I want it.

Signed, sealed and delivered! I second that vote.

2. What new game or hobby release has you excited?

Well there is word of Dark Tower coming back….

3. That was something new and old in my last two questions. Is there anything different you are doing lately with the hobby which you are enjoying?

Oh yes… yeeees indeed… *maniacal laughter* but I can’t tell yet… must not share the secret… noooo mustn’t tell… no no *hysterical giggling* It will be so…. wholesome… *evil grin* it will bring everything together…

4. What games are you eager to play lately?

Star Wars: Legion. simple as that. Painting and building is releaxing, watching the movies for…. um “colour accuracies” and such things… and games played are a relaxing evening off. Much needed “me” time and selfcare.

But now you have to excuse me….

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