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Reply To: The issue of the "elite" army (and finding opponents)….

Home Forums Historical Tabletop Game Discussions The issue of the "elite" army (and finding opponents)…. Reply To: The issue of the "elite" army (and finding opponents)….


Cult of Games Member

When I played 40K I had Orcs so happy on horde items there. But I did choose them for the comical factor mainly. But yes did see a number of elite armies (rules did favour them). The Hobbit is orcs, goblins and Harad (got to love elephants).

And on the subject of “who is going to paint all those minis”: an Orc Horde can be painted really shabby (at least the mass troops) because the sheer unit size will hide any imperfections. But I reckon that historical gamers won’t take kindly to a “slapped on paintjob” 😉 (But this is sheer gut feeling and I have no evidence to back that up)

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