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Reply To: Random Acts of Kindness

Home Forums COG – Trading Bazaar Random Acts of Kindness Reply To: Random Acts of Kindness


Cult of Games Member

Count me in @avernos.  I know I have plenty of extra dudes that I can part with.  Definitely a bunch of fantasy elves, chaos, orcs;  also have extra spruces of Romans, AWI Continentals and ACW Soldiers.

Might even have some extra LOTRs floating around, like an extra Earl the Young mounted.  You guys know how much I love my LOTRs so giving away LOTRs minis must mean I’m getting desperate to downsize.   Would love to give some of these to another LOTR gamer or someone that wants to get stuck into LOTR.  Could probably get someone started with these war bands; Orcs, Goblins, Haradrim, Dwarves, MinasTirith, Easterlings and Uruk Hai.

Just let me know what to do!

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