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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's Reply To: Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's


Cult of Games Member

Hey Team, smashed for time so quick catch-up:

@sundancer – 7 hours? I’ve played in shorter tournaments. …of Warhammer Fantasy…. Were the games practice for the upcoming tournament or just more fun social games? 40 points.

@robert cheers πŸ™‚ 10 points

@dawfydd thanks will give both a go when I find a gap in the viewing schedule. Heh saw LDR and bookmarked. Just finished Altered Carbon yesterday so it was well timed. Otherwise I would have ended up watching Frontier and got inspired to do some French Indian War 28mm stuff… Wow, nice detail on the new minis. 40 points.

@mage glad you are on the mend πŸ™‚ Have fun playing with your little one πŸ™‚ Completely missed Starlink. Ah it’s a PC/console game – was wondering how a spacefleet mini game had slipped by under the radar as it were πŸ˜‰ 20 points.

@blinky465 will post some ideas in a bit… πŸ™‚ 20 points.

@woldenspoons I’m just impressed he’s had the willpower to stop at one box having seen those minis πŸ™‚ 10 points.

@limburger glad the Plog is keeping you motivated πŸ™‚ Oooh wonderful detail to paint up on that Troggoth πŸ™‚ 20 points.

@horati0nosebl0wer congrats on lining up a place πŸ™‚ Yes will get back to it at some stage I’m sure πŸ™‚ 20 points.

@kiranamida will heartily second that KS call πŸ™‚ So many shiny minis available nowadays. I’ve pretty much managed to contain myself to select historical and fantasy so I can avoid a lot of the temptation, but I do feel for those gamers who play sci-fi and pulp/horror games as well – or the display miniature painting crowd – must be dreadfully difficult to have to pick what you can actually back πŸ™‚ 10 points.

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