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Reply To: Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP! Reply To: Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP!





My gym appointment was cancelled, and now I am on a comfy recliner couch with my laptop with Black Sabbath playing in the background. I’m too comfortable to go to the woods on a walk. So, time for hobby, youtube and computer games! Also my hobby supplies recently arrived in the mail.


My pledge is:



  • Work on my 9x Primaris Aggressors (hopefully to completion)
  • Base them and my previous finished Minotaurs (a cursed founding Space Marine Chapter)
  • Assemble and Prime my Ryza Ruins from Conquest Magazine
  • Play Risk: Legacy later


Undoubtedly I will add more to this once I make more progress but right now my current large project takes priority. Even though I am itching to do other stuff. I might put one day aside for the sake of catharsis for priming and assembling other models. As for the large project it consists of (and I have mentioned it before):


  1. The Dark Imperium Starter Set
  2. Conquest Magazine Subscription (some I picked up multiple issues of and have more)
  3. Half a Dark Imperium set’s worth of Death Guard
  4. The Minotaur Space Marines I already have


As you can see, this is kind of like three medium sized projects on top of a full Starter set, so it kind of hits the ‘uber-sized’ tier. I already have the Space Marines from Conquest fully painted as well as the terrain. There is still a lot to go but I think in three months I might have it all done. There are a lot of minis though.


Any interest in seeing this turned into a hobby project log on the site?


And now onto the answers to questions!


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