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Reply To: Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP! Reply To: Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP!


Cult of Games Member

Replies! Replies! Hot and …. hot… get ’em while they last! (But seriously, apologies for being offline so much. More on that later (maybe))

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@limburger Music! 30 Imperial Credits

@horati0nosebl0wer : 30 Imperial Credits for the answers, 40 Credits for the first music batch and another 40 for the next batch. I’m actually liking that stuff 😉

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@mage nice award and even nicer hobby progress. 30 Imperial Credits

@woldenspoons 30 Credits for answers and 20 for one of the best tracks ever. At least in my book

@robert 30 Credits for pictures, music and interaction.

@tuffyears  -100 Credits due to making me feel bad for not having painted anything lately… but, that is unfair. So 20 Imperial Credits.

@mage 10 IC for interaction

@rayzryr  as mage.

@horati0nosebl0wer NEED MORE COFFEE 30 Imperial Credits…. COFFEE

@limburger 40 more music Credits…

and finaly @woldenspoons @mage and @limburger 20 IC each for interaction….

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