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Shall be discussing this with the guys at expo this week, have a few idea’s but the crux seems to be the usual bottle neck we hit when things get social here, which is all the additional information we have to load (comments, calculating votes & likes etc.), currently its not the smartest of queries, pretty much “give me everything in one big bite”, one of the remedies would be to make comments and content “after the fold” i.e. what you have scroll a page down to view, and make that load in the background/on demand.

Pagination could also be a quick win, but im not so sure that would make the best use of the format, to limit it to 15 or 20 entries a page

I like the concept of chapters, but unfortunately the same performance issue would be encountered due to how data is structured in the backend, that said its somewhat gratifying that its taken a year to start to hit the limits of our non burst mode server infrastructure.

In short dont think their is a silver bullet right now, but it will get looked at asap.

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