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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 28/06/2019 The Industry and Social Media

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 28/06/2019 The Industry and Social Media Reply To: Hobby Weekender 28/06/2019 The Industry and Social Media



@limburger This is why they are called Bill and Ben…reminds me of these two dudes!


Painting more 10mm this afternoon and have made a little progress on the dice bag.  The wool is quite fine, so I have sixty stitches on the needle so a row takes a bit of time to do and doesn’t add very much.  The red bit was done in “rib stitch”, which I have never done before so it was slow going.


The green looked dark in the shop, but in real life it looks a bit darker than what this picture looks like on my screen.

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