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Cult of Games Member


@unclejimmy – I like the SAS in “Taliban cosplay.”  You know, as long as we’re supporting each other’s threads you might post that as well in the Sitrep Modern Warfare Community forum as well.  😀

Hope you like the AirWar C21 video if you ever get a chance to look at it.  if not, no worries.  Already working on the next two (Australians with TANKS in Vietnam – game between myself and @elessar2590 ).  And of course Ops Center Season Three premiere drops later this week as well.

I’ve also re-pinged your PM regarding those tanks.  No worries if we’re not doing it.

@limburger – speaking for the rest of Sitrep, we regret NOTHING when it comes to starting you down the path of Modern Warfare.  From what it sounds like, Something like Ghost Recon/Rainbow 6 vs drug boss … Might I suggest Plausible Deniability expansion for Skirmish Sangin …

Skirmish Sangin – Plausible Deniability

Or from the Historicon Coverage that’s back on the front page (thanks @warzan and Tom!) …

@unclejimmy – I wouldn’t get discouraged if I were you.  140+ posts on a weekender thread was never a bad score, even back in the day.  I would take over and run 200+ and 302 I think was my record, but this was with an online RPG in progress and before the advent of the Project system.  The Project system draws a lot of the posting, especially for people featuring their own hobby craft in their own mini-space.

Also, you know, other people have threads, too.  Historicon alone has 83 threads I’m actually watching.  Sitrep Moderns I’m also watching and posting on.  Plus Twitch streams.  Plus YouTube Channel.  Plus Ops Center.  Plus PodBean.

@doctorether – I love the purple creatures.  This is the kind of effect we’ve tried to replicate with high gloss, high contrast acrylics from the craft store, but with only limited success.

@elessar2590 – can’t wait to see the LOTR minis completed.  😀

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