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September is next month.

Paint tanks, paint tiny fighty men and also start on working out a paint scheme for next weekends hobby weekend.

1. How do you like your Rulebooks done? Hardback, Softback, Spiral Bound, PDF or something else how do you like to read and collect your rulebooks?

Well edited and actually proofread is usually a good start.  I also prefer a hard copy, no really preference beyond that.

2. How much Fluff do you create for your Armies? Do you write thousands of words of backstory for that Vampire Lord? Do you name your key character or do you just go for a Vanilla Style Force and let the game itself tell the story?

Pretty much zero.   Occasionally my basing might tell a story.  I don’t read fan fiction and have absolutely no desire in writing it myself.

3. What’s the most Frustrating Hobby thing you’ve ever built? Was it that MDF Kit that just wouldn’t go together? A Giant Metal/Resin Mini that seemed to repel Super Glue or anything else Hobby Related.

There are a couple of Airfix and Revell kits that were so badly tooled, I still haven’t finished them and they remain in a box somewhere.  The Deadzone Asterians from Mantic are very frustrating due to their mould lines.  Back in the 90s, the plastic body, metal weapons GW Devastators were a pain, especially when you were too proud to listen to advice about pinning the weapons on… oh teenage me, you were nearly as big a dick as I am now 🙂

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