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Reply To: Poland 1939 – Preparing for 80th Anniversary of World War II

Home Forums Historical Tabletop Game Discussions Poland 1939 – Preparing for 80th Anniversary of World War II Reply To: Poland 1939 – Preparing for 80th Anniversary of World War II



I look forward to part two @oriskany.

Recon in the defence.  Often used to screen you flanks and can be deployed forward of your main line of resistance.  In this rule recon has two missions.

  1. To see off the enemy recon units preventing them from observing you main line of resistance.
  2. To break up the enemy attack.  Forcing the enemy to go from transport column formation to deploying for battle far earlier than he would prefer.  In this game it was well executed forcing you out of your trucks sooner than you would like.  Normally the forward recon units would be supported by medium range artillery to smash the now slow moving infantry.  Normally the forward recon units would then fall back behind units just forward of your main line of resistance and do it all over again.  While suicidal it was extremely aggressive to go on to the attack rather than withdrawing to the next defensive position.

It will be interesting to see if there will be a price to pay for being that aggressive rather than withdrawing to slow you down again.


For the guys who don’t want to remark their German tanks there is a way around this.  As you said the white or yellow crosses proved too good of an aiming point,  so after only a few days the panzer crews started blotting them out completely by covering them with mud.

Even though there were very few PZ-3s and PZ-4s they tended to make a big difference wherever they were used.  The PZ-1s and PZ-2s were comparable to the Polish TK tanks including the ones modified to carry a 2 cm gun.  The big difference was the Germans deployed them so the Polish armour was heavily outnumbered and the German radio net gave them a clearer picture of the battle space allowing them to quickly out maneuver anything the Poles attempted.

What I personally like about the Polish Campaign is that it was mostly fought by armoured vehicles armed with mostly MGs and 2 cm guns.  You can have your Sdkfz 221 and 222 mix it up with the Polish TK tanks in quite even terms.  Anywhere else and the Sd recon vehicles would be useless and easily brushed aside.  Poland offers the wargamer when the scenario is balanced two fairly evenly matched sides.  It is much harder to achieve this in later campaigns.

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