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Home Forums COG – Chamber of Commerce Have you managed to detach yourself? Reply To: Have you managed to detach yourself?



8 years ago I started a business with another guy. It was a small business, now it is (largish) medium and very successful.

Detachment/perspective/balance is a massive thing and for me went through 3 phases:

Early on it was all-consuming demands on your time, but there was a lot of satisfaction in building something so it wasn’t draining.

In the middle years it was a stretch but finally got to a point where we could hire reliable people (who then built their own teams) to cover the 24/7 aspects: website running, warehouse operating efficiently and safely, phones being answered. This was great — finally you could stop expecting calls on Saturdays and checking statuses right before sleep and first thing in the morning. But it didn’t fix everythinng like I expected.

The current phase is when I’ve realised that, despite having more time theoretically, your mind can’t really ever step away. It doesn’t help that the things you deal with day-to-day actually get less satisfying as the business grows and you have people looking after the tangible and solvable things. Even though I definitely have more time now I can’t truly switch off and get into something else.

So, I’m looking at ways I can extricate myself not just from the day-to-day but the week-to-week of the business. That will probably then involve a 6 month sabbatical or something and then return in a different way — one in which I won’t be pulled in every direction and where it is valuable having broader perspectives.

In the meantime, I’ve found that family and friends aren’t really able to empathise and so aren’t able to help much. The best support is generally from peers in industry — not really like a support group though! — more like how people with shared experiences can think the same way about things.

So whilst I still enjoy my position and role I’ve decided that it isn’t aren’t sustainable (at least for me, but many others I speak with say the same) and hence it’s time for a serious break!

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